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About the World Jamboree:


The World Scout Jamboree is a Scouting jamboree of the World Organization of the Scouts Movement. There will be over by several tens of thousands of Scouts from around the world to attend the educational event. World Jamboree has been organized approximately every four years by the World Organization of Scout Movement (WOSM) in different locations over the world. Upcoming Jamboree will be in the years of 2015 for 23rd of World Jamboree that will be hosted in Japan, Kirara- hama , Yamaguchi City.























Date: From Tuesday, 28 July To Saturday, 8 August 2015





Kirara-hama, Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan

Coordinates : N 34°01’ , E131°23’Altitude : 2.7m - 15.8mAvg.

Temp. :Max30.6°C/Min15.2°CAvg. Rainfall : 4.1mm / day


Work Together: 


32nd Richmond has numbers of Rovers and Adult Leaders will be volunteering for the international Service Team (IST). We will be services at the Jamboree on behalf of the organizers for the onsite programmes such as Cross Road of Culture (CRC), City Of Science (COS), Global Development Village (GDV), more and more. We believe attending a World Scout Jamboree is the most amazing opportunity to meet new friends and to see around the whole new world. We are very excited about it and look forward to see everyone there!


For more information:


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